EE Technologies, Inc.
The Challenge
Founded in 2000 and based in the bustling city of Reno, Nevada, EE Technologies (EET) is a successful, contract manufacturer of electronic sub-assemblies. Since the beginning, the company has provided quality, responsive and flexible technology, with on-time product delivery to its customers. But even just seven years ago, EET’s financial and cultural climate was in question. While Sonny Newman, the company’s founder and president, had all the right intentions in his leadership approach and goals, the company’s barometer was off. For instance, the company had a strong track record, yet the number of employees seemed disproportionate to the potential for greater profitability and efficiency. Also, without any formal tracking of both the business’ and clients’ profitability rates, it was tough for Newman to know what did and didn’t work well, what needed to change, and what direction the company should take. The management team and supervisors often told Newman that more staff was needed, but no one could explain to him why and what the return would be for bringing on more people.
The Solution
In 2003, Newman reached out to MAP after hearing how it helped a friend’s business. His colleague told him MAP wasn’t anything like the traditional “pep rally” that he had experienced in other management training workshops. MAP was focused on real action and real results. So Newman attended the MAP 2.5-day executive workshop in Las Vegas to give it a try. Impressed with his instructor, Newman encouraged the rest of his executive team to attend MAP’s workshop and then brought on that instructor to be the company’s official MAP coach. Through this personalized consulting, EET implemented a totally new, proactive management approach that included accountability, structure, metrics, Vital Factors – or the measurements of the company’s health – and a tracking system for evaluating both company and client data. Of note, however, Newman says MAP helped him identify the demand for more “A” and “B” players, and personnel was “right-sized” for the company’s real needs.
The Results
With a streamlined, highly qualified staff, in addition to a more structured management approach and the creation of competitive strategies, EET experienced a boost in productivity and efficiency. During the years preceding the economic crisis, revenues rose 75 percent, holding steady at roughly 45 percent after the downturn. Overall profit goals were achieved and are still maintained today by operating with a goal-focused, committed team of “A” players. Having company and client Vital Factors on hand has also given EET a competitive advantage. When customers visit EET and are presented with their own Vital Factors, as well as EET’s impressive recordkeeping, they’re blown away, Newman says. Not only is the MAP system a highly successful internal management approach, but it’s also one of EET’s most productive and effective selling tools. To this day, Newman continues to use MAP’s expert guidance to successfully navigate the current economic challenges.