MAP, it says it all. Without MAP we are all lost in this highly accelerated business world we operate in. MAP principles include:
- Time is a valuable asset
- People of caliber, an even higher asset
- Control the out-of-control
Therefore, you must learn how to read the MAP. Once you are taught the legend symbols, establish True North and pin point your own location, then and only then, are you ready to start a journey that will create success.
Let me say this, I can plot my company like we do our current years, B.M. and A.M. Before MAP and After MAP, it is that clear. All the excitement of earning a living with others closely involved has had that kind of effect on all who participate in and with the managers of our company and you can’t buy that kind of “internal drive”‘ with just MONEY…
Chris L. Bugg
Affordable Truck & RV Centers Inc.