Thank you all for the input you provided during the MAP workshop. The information MAP gave was vital. The format was put to use in ways that were and will be profound for my company. I realize that I not only had to open myself up professionally, but also personally as well. I truly appreciated it.
As a business owner, you ask yourself a lot of questions about your company’s future. I know I do. In fact, by virtue of asking myself those questions, I landed at MAP.
My questions were not, are we going to make it with me behind the wheel? My questions were more like, what steps must I take as a leader to insure our continued success? The answer was a “system of management” and MAP is providing it now. Through MAP, we will put this system into place and I am confident it will satisfy our hunger for a process we needed and certainly one that we can trust.
MAP is an employee owned company. It conducts activities to help improve productivity and profitability through:
- Leadership
- Planning
- Goals and Controls
- Time Management
- Staff Organization
- Personal Professional Growth
If you break down our team into A, B and C players you won’t find many B and C players. This is a blessing. We have an organization full of A players. We have been making some great changes lately, but were lacking the structure to realize our full capabilities. Now we have a “management process” and I intend to make changes. MAP has provided me with a system to provide solid structure. Now we can clearly define goals and outline vital issues to make the necessary corrective actions. This is a big step to improving our productivity.
Mike Stevenson