I wanted to give you some feedback now a full year after myself and our entire management team completed the Management Action Program training.
We have installed the Vital Factor Team process throughout the company and have been meeting monthly for more than a year as a management group to review goals and controls and utilize team consulting on specific issues. I think it’s fair to say that this process is now inculcated in the company culture and has resulted in a laser-like focus on our most critical performance metrics.
I am pleased to report that we finished 2009 solidly above our revenue and earnings plan and are continuing on the same trajectory in 2010. Two oft quoted MAP teachings can be heard around the company, namely: “focus on the vital few, ignore the trivial many” and “let the standard be the villain.” More than just words, these concepts and their full intent are now ingrained in the fabric of this company.
Our annual planning has been improved as a result of MAP training and process and the result has been evident in our business performance. There is one somewhat unexpected, although beneficial, consequence of installing the MAP process at Palomar. We have become more nimble and responsive and can rapidly adjust when supplies, markets or customers change direction. I think this is partly due to better contingency planning, but also a participative and determined corporate resolve to achieve our goals, even as changes swirl around us. I believe installing the MAP process at Palomar has been a key contributor to our success.
Further I want to thank you for guiding us along the way; our executive consultant for initially generating the interest, gently staying with me pre-contract and then following up professionally after training with our staff; and our senior consultant for providing a fun and positive “life-changing” experience at my MAP training and then coaching our company to get off the ground and running. They are both a credit to the MAP organization.
Bruce W. Hueners
President and CEO
Palomar Technologies