Our firm has been working with Management Action Programs (MAP) for several years now. We are delighted with the Vital Factor Teams (VFT’s) and the consistent processes and approaches through management by objectives that MAP brings to our organization. I was a graduate of MAP in the 1990’s and used it in my last company, which was ultimately sold to a public United Kingdom group. They then continued using MAP and MAP strategic selling principles with great success.
Weil Lifestyle, LLC is a company founded by Dr. Andrew Weil, the leading authority on integrative medicine. Our mission is to provide great medical information, free of charge, through our website www.DrWeil.com and provide goods and services endorsed by Dr. Weil for customers. Dr. Weil donates all of his after tax profits from these goods and services to the non-profit Weil Foundation, an organization dedicated to furthering the cause of integrative medicine through research and education. Weil Lifestyle is now a substantial international company under the Weil brand and logo. MAP and the VFT’s have played a major part in our success. I highly recommend MAP to any leader of an organization who wants to leverage performance and management through well organized, cooperative and communicative teams, all focused on common and understood goals.
Please feel free to contact me anytime should you have any questions regarding this recommendation.
Laurence B. Tree II
Weil Lifestyle, LLC