It is my pleasure to provide a letter of recommendation regarding the MAP Program and the lasting benefits it has provided to me personally as well as to my growing business. As a new business owner, my partner and I had limited experience in managing the various facets associated with running a rapidly growing company. With additional growth came additional challenges. It was apparent we needed to change the way we approached how we ran the business if we wanted to fully achieve our goals.
Researching a number of outside consulting firms, we were introduced to the MAP Program by a former colleague who felt it could provide us the tools we needed to effectively manage and grow our business. My personal experience with MAP far exceeds the expectations I had when entering the program. With the thoughtful guidance provided by my MAP Senior Consultant, we have been able to bring a renewed energy to our business and are better equipped to lead our team, manage our clients, organize our business plan and position ourselves for future growth.
I am excited about what I gained from the MAP Program as I am able to apply what I learned on a daily basis. The organizational and business planning knowledge I have gained has allowed me to transform what was once a reactionary form of business management into a proactive business model which will greatly benefit the continued growth of our business.
Additionally, as my partner also participated in the MAP Program, we are able to communicate more effectively as well as leverage each other’s strengths and weaknesses for the benefit of the company.
Christie Frazier
The Hood Kitchen Space