Manage Performance — More!

Good companies spend more time managing performance and less time tackling the “trivial” many. But this strategy requires discipline and focus on behalf of the company’s leadership — a real necessity if these leaders truly want to grow a winning culture. So they must set the example for the rest of the organization, measuring and empowering performance daily and avoiding the many tempting distractions that can ultimately undermine success. You can do this too, using the proven MAP Management System™ to create focus, accountability and results.

Here’s a little insight on some of what you’ll need to do…Adopt a “driving” management style that exemplifies your respect for goals and achievement. For example, don’t just ask your employees how things are going in general — you’ll probably get a black-and-white answer or some watered down version of the reality at best. Instead, ask them where they’re at with their goals, what they need to do next, what’s going on, how they are going to make their goals, what their strategy is, what their numbers are, etc. Pose the tough questions and don’t necessarily let them off easy when they answer. Ensure this conversation becomes an opportunity to coach and motivate them instead. This approach should just become a daily activity. Some of the best bosses I ever had were the ones that, when they called me in the morning, I knew I’d better be prepared to answer a whole series of questions and give a full report. They were always very professional about their management style, but they didn’t let up or give up on me. That’s the kind of culture in which employees ultimately thrive.

Assume a new accountability attitude. It might not feel natural or comfortable to hold people accountable at first, particularly if your direct reports have always behaved as they wish, like in a sort of “country club” environment. But with discipline and commitment, you can make this proactive, balanced leadership trait feel second-nature over time. And your people will come to respect, appreciate and even want it from you. After all, 95% of your people really do want to do well, so ask them those driving questions to help them achieve goals and contribute to a winning culture. Of course, there are always a few who can’t handle the change of approach, but those people are atypical.

Celebrate wins, while taking corrective action when necessary. Managing performance in the workplace involves applauding what’s right and taking the required steps to correct what’s wrong. This isn’t necessarily about “being tough” or “authoritarian” but rather reinforcing what’s right and doing something proactive about what’s wrong. Importantly — and here’s that “discipline” part again — it’s better to reinforce regularly, even daily, so you’re not waiting until the end of the week, month or annual review. Try to get a daily pulse on performance so you can consistently respond to people quickly and, most importantly, effectively reward and coach them.

What are some ways to celebrate wins effectively without going over the top?

By Michael Caito |
Categories: Accountability