Passion for the Job. It’s NOT Enough for Building Business, Sustaining Results
Lots of leaders love their work. They’re passionate about what they do and the “why” behind it, the very reason so many invest countless hours on the job, making every minute count.
But spoiler alert: Having passion for your job can be a pitfall when you, as a leader, rely solely on it to get things done. Over time, it’s not enough. Simply loving what one does cannot create and sustain a successful organization.
Yet many inspired leaders jump into careers, start companies, or take on new business ideas believing that if they’re passionate about what they’re doing, that in and of itself can net great results. Again, big mistake. Like a top spinning around in circles, these leaders often go nowhere fast, losing momentum until they come to a full stop, toppling over. In the meantime, lots of dollars, personnel and other resources can be lost.
That said, there’s one thing that can prevent this common leadership scenario. Something that perhaps you’ve done (or maybe haven’t done) in your own leadership career. And that something is business planning.
Great leaders value such planning just as much as they value their passion for their job. Why? Because without a commitment to planning, it’s near impossible to achieve goals, hit targets and regularly get sustainable results.
And by planning, we don’t just mean any kind of planning but business planning that’s pursued with dedication and self-discipline, communicating that this activity is valued culture-wide and practiced in ways big and small.
Since 1960, MAP has been helping clients with business planning, or designing customized plans that serve as roadmaps for success. When clients come to us wanting these blueprints, it’s like they’ve made a very conscientious shift in their thinking. You could say they’re now serious. Ready to do what it takes. No longer confused or naïve about how real results get achieved. Which is, in part, with passion. But, just as importantly, with a solid business plan in hand.
A business plan doesn’t have to be complicated—that’s something we talk about with clients who bring us on for these consulting services. But an effective plan needs the right elements and, above all, it’s got to have accountability tied to it. Without accountability, plans usually fail. And when that happens? The leadership loses the respect of its people, which puts the entire organization at even greater risk.
Have you been relying on that classic “passion for the job” to push toward your goals? Or do you maybe have a business plan that’s lacking accountability or in need of an update?
MAP can help. Reach out to learn more today about our business plan services and, more importantly, how the MAP Management System™ will ensure your plan’s success.