Million $ Solutions in 10 – Team Consulting


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Category: SKU: MAPUID405


Explore MAP’s remarkably fast, effective and proven methodology to address issues, solve problems or vet new opportunities. Replacing conventional brainstorming and follow-on meetings, “Team Consulting” laser-focuses the conversation on workable solutions by tapping into diverse perspectives.

What You’ll Learn in Million $ Solutions in 10 – Team Consulting

Identify situations where Team Consulting has value, champion the simplicity of the process and its role in promoting accountability and take advantage of every opportunity to benefit from it.


You will:

  • Recognize when Team Consulting should be practiced
  • Value the importance of adherence to the easy-to-learn Team Consulting guidelines
  • Understand how Team Consulting fits into and stimulates a culture of accountability
  • Be immediately ready to conduct a Team Consult!

Managers and leaders are depended on to tackle issues and problems, as well as to know which opportunities to act on. By adding this course to your team’s learning path, you’ll do so in a way that’s more inclusive, more productive, faster and actionable.


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