Know When to Ask for Help
It’s OK to not have all the answers. Take the steps to ask your people for help, unlock the power of their potential, and get the solutions you and your business need.
It’s OK to not have all the answers. Take the steps to ask your people for help, unlock the power of their potential, and get the solutions you and your business need.
We all know it’s impossible to be perfect. As leaders, we realize it’s the fool’s mindset to think we can do everything right, 100% of the time. Yet how many of us spin our wheels every day, striving for perfectionism?
Some leaders think that the busier they are, the more valued or significant they are. Stop going 100 miles per hour and start taking control.
If you fail to manage these relationships wisely, these resources could end up managing you, a worrisome situation that can create a whole host of issues.
Nine diverse businesses demonstrate how commitment to great leadership habits and empowered, aligned teams create remarkable success.
Do you find it hard to stop dwelling in the past? As a seasoned professional, you’ve probably experienced a company, a boss, or a customer who once drove you crazy.
There’s a lot to be said for compromise and flexibility, but as a leader, you will sometimes find yourself needing to take a firm stand—and even dig in your heels when faced with resistance.
Someone will turn to you for a bit of advice—and you may freely give it, however, if you really want to make a difference in that person’s life, hold off.
How many times in life have you heard someone say, “That’s just the way we’ve always done it”?
Breaking it can erode your reputation and damage your overall credibility in a split second.